
What do I need to know before I enrol?

Please read our Terms and Conditions.

Can I enrol on a casual basis?

We prefer you enrol for the term rather than as a casual enrolment as the children need regular attendance to be familiar with the repertoire and class routine. This is very important for your child’s education and confidence. It is also important that they are comfortable with the other class participants, which is not possible if your attendance is casual. However, in some cases, a full term commitment is not possible and casual attendance is the only option. You can book a casual class online. They are $30 a class and need to be booked the day before. Casuals are only offered in classes that are not full.

Can I trial a class before committing to a term?

If there are places available in a class, you can trial a class. Trials are $30. Trialling does not guarantee that the spot will be saved for you. It is not always advisable to trial first as when you commit to the whole term you make sure that it works for you. Whilst our classes are wonderful, fun and high-energy, not all children respond the way their parents expect the first time (we are all individuals). Trials are good for parents to see our philosophy at work.

I have a younger child too – can they come along?

A lot of our classes have sibling pairs enrolled. It makes it much easier for the carer to not have to come to classes more than once a week and it is one of the few activities that is accessible and safe for younger and older children to attend together. We will always enrol you in the older child’s age group class so that he/she is stimulated. Your younger child will still benefit from all the musical activities. Younger siblings under the age of 6 months are enrolled at no charge and siblings over 6 months are discounted to $13 a class. The fees include one accompanying adult per family. We need to register every child who will be in our classes, regardless of their age. Check first if the venue is large enough for a pram, or bring younger siblings in a capsule or pouch/sling.

How do I enrol siblings?

When you register as a new customer online, add your oldest child first and then click “add a child” to add your younger child.

If you already have a customer profile for your older child online, sign in and add another child.

After both your children are registered on your profile, call 0431338143 or email to book your children into a class. If you book them both in yourself, the 50% sibling discount (which applies to all children over 6 months old), will not automatically be applied. Speak to the office to get the discount applied. 

All children in attendance, even babies, need to be registered.

What if my child does not react the same as the other children in class?
All children are individuals. Some children may focus on the teacher and not interact at all during the class, some may get up and dance at every opportunity, and some children may never sit down on the mat at all! The children are free to respond any way they feel in our classes. Time and experience has proven that all children are absorbing what goes on in their own way. A child who never sings at class will know all the words when they sing the songs at home. Sometimes it is a bit too stimulating in class to take in all the sights, sounds and interaction between the class participants, so children need to process it all in their own way.
Can I join in even if term has started?
Yes, we take enrolments right throughout the term. You are charged only for the lessons left in the term.
What do you do in classes?
Classes are ‘mat based’ with carer (parents, grandparent or nanny) on the mat together. We teach children the fundamentals of music (beat, pitch, rhythm and tempo) through a repertoire chosen specifically for that purpose, and through hands-on experience with the instruments.
Why do we sing some of the same songs every week?
Children gain confidence from familiarity, which is why repetition is so important, (and why children enjoy reading the same book and watching the same move again and again.) This is why a lot of the repertoire is repeated each class and why some songs may be sung more than once in a class (perhaps once while playing maracas and again accompanied by the drums, for example). Children that attend our classes for many terms start to make requests for their favourite songs!
How long are classes?
Classes are 45 minutes and terms are 10 weeks, (shorter if there are public holidays).
Do you offer make-up classes?

We offer two make-ups per term to those children booked into the full term. 

We need at least 2 hours notice of an absence to be eligible for a make-up class, (so that someone else can attend the class in the vacant spot). 

Click for the full make-up policy.


How do I contact you if I have any more questions?
Simple! Call the office on 0431 338 143 or email info@einsteinzmusic.com.au